How To Make The Perfect Marijuana Brownies

When making ‘marijuana edibles’, you don’t just throw the marijuana buds into the food and chow down, believe it or not. The THC (tetra-hydro-cannibol – the main active ingredient in marijuana) must first be extracted into a butter or oil mixture and then added or cooked with the food.
My favorite marijuana edible to make is without a doubt weed brownies. This article will show you how you can make weed brownies and extract the THC using butter or oil, however, most brownies recipes ask for oil instead of butter.
OIL Method
What You Need
- Oil (any other than olive oil)
2. 2.5 grams of weed per serving (an ounce of dank or an ounce of mids works well)
3. A Grinder
4. A Filter (coffee filter, pasta strainer)
5. Brownie mix
6. A Frying pan
7. A wood spoon
For an whole batch of brownies (1 box) a half ounce of dank or an ounce of mids is what you need. Grind up the marijuana in your grinder or a coffee grinder multiple times until it literally turns into powder.
Once the marijuana turns into a powder spread it right onto a frying pan. Its a good idea to match the frying pan to the burner size for an even cook which is important when extracting the THC. Pour oil directly onto the marijuana powder on the pan according to how much the brownie recipe asks for.
Turn the burner on low (numbers 2-3) until it starts to simmer and then lower the burner to the lowest setting (labeled as low or simmer). Leave the burner on for 2-6 hours depending on how much time you have (2 hrs is average) and stir the marijuana in the oil every 30 minutes with a wooden spoon.
When the pot is done, pour the oil mixture into a filter (coffee filter works fine) to strain all the excess marijuana out. You should be left with a musky brown color oil without any grass, stems, or seeds in it. This stuff needs to be filtered out as there is no THC left because it was extracted into the oil.
Use this oil to make the brownies by following the instructions on the brownie box. If you prefer to make weed brownies using butter rather than oil, continue reading.
What You Need
- Marijuana butter
2. 2.5 grams of weed per serving (an ounce of dank or an ounce of mids works well)
3. A Grinder
4. A Filter (coffee filter, pasta strainer)
5. Brownie mix
6. A small pot and a larger pot
7. A wood spoon
In order to use butter to extract the THC and bake brownies, two pots are required, one larger and one smaller. The larger one should be filled up with clean water and the same size as the burner for an even burn. Place the smaller pot inside the larger one and throw in 2-3 sticks of butter.
Turn the burner on a low setting until the water in the larger pots begins to simmer. Once this happens, use your judgment on a good setting med — low to establish a near simmer. The water in the larger pot will heat up the THC in the marijuana in the the smaller pot with out burning it which could destroy the THC, making the brownies useless.
Proceed to leave the the burner on for 2-3 hours, or longer. Once done, pour the butter through a filter removing any seeds, stems, or left over marijuana bud which is useless since the THC is now in the butter. Spread this butter throughout the bottom of a large pan and pour the brownie mixture on top. Cook in the oven (350 degrees) for 30 minutes to an hour.
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