Khalifa Kush Marijuana Strain 2020 Review

Khalifa Kush is a special hybrid strain that was created by and named after the famous rapper Wiz Khalifa who is famous for being a bit of a marijuana connoisseur. Thus, this wonderfull strain attracted delighting users from all over the world due to its strength and creativity-inducing characteristics.

The famous rapper Wiz Khalifa himself, a famous cannabis fan created this strain himself  and reveals that his strain was created out of the OG Kush strain.

This strain is typically a daytime strain that is perfect as a wake and bake strain, due to its invigorating and inspiring characteristics which create an active cerebral brain high that equals to pure bliss. Khalifa Kush is a top-shelf flower that is an ideal representation of the potent OG potency and characteristics.

 The Essential Information about Khalifa Kush:

EFFECTShappy – 10
relaxed – 9
uplifted – 8
euphoric – 7
giggly – 6
dizzy – 9
dry eyes – 4
headache – 2
anxious – 1
FRAGRANCEearthy, lemon, pine, pungent, sour
FLAVORScitrus, lemon, pin, pungente, sweet, woody
MEDICALstress – 10
depression – 7
fatigue – 5
headaches – 4
pain – 4
FLOWERING TIME OUTDOORSlate September to early October
THC CONTENT %24%-26%
CBD %2%
INDICA / SATIVA %80% / 20%
OUTDOOR YIELD13oz/ plant
CLIMATEwarm and dry outdoor climate
RESISTANCE TO DISEASEresistant to common molds and mildew

 The Effects Khalifa Kush

Khalifa Kush is a special hybrid, first because of its famous name which creates no doubt about who is responsible for its birth. The strain possesses high THC levels, which in some cases reach 29%, something not to be underestimated by novice smokers.

This cannabis strain is mostly indica  effect wise, and is therefore a great way to wind down the users day after a long and productive time. It is highly enjoyable, and generates a strong happy head buzz, without feeling too heavy or sedative making it ideal an ideal social strain.


The side effects of this strain are a slight dizziness, sometimes coupled with a mild headache, that may persist and this strain may also induce some nervousness and anxiety in some consumers especially those who are prone to feeling that way by nature.

Medical Benefits of Khalifa Kush

The effects of Khalifa Kush are light and sedative effects, making it popular for patients seeking an ideal medical marijuana strain. This hybrid strain is known for its effectiveness in treating chronic stress disorders, gradually and gently soothing the patients and allowing them to naturally find their inner calm. Patients also use it to soothe feelings or depression in many cases as it allows the patients to feel more positively about themselves and their lives. This strain can also help energize the user to encourage him/her to be more active, making it very useful against chronic fatigue.

Medical research and clinical test have also proven that Khalifa Kush and may help ease headaches and encourage patients to feel more relaxed at the same time, having an overall healing effect.

Khalifa kush Growing Tips

It should be noted that Info about growing Khalifa Kush is not easily available, but what is known is the fact that the plant is a phenotype of its parent strain OG Kush. Khalifa kush is usually grown to be bushy and medium sized in nature, and is flourishes well when screen of green growing techniques are used. For indoors settings Khalifa Kush may produce a yield of approxiamtely 17 ounces per square meter planted and  can be expected to take an average of about 9 weeks to flower and be ready for harvesting. For outdoors setting Khalifa Kush can be expected to flower throughout the summer and be ready for harvesting around late September to early October and an average of about 13 ounces of bud  can be yielded per plant.

A Quick summary about Khalifa Kush

This strain originates from the OG Kush .Khalifa Kush yields 17oz / m2 indoors and 13oz / plant outdoors. It has a THC content ranging from 24% up to 26% and was created by Wiz Khalifa, who claims that he did that by using the OG Kush strain.

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